The Art of Revolution Spotlight: Faeth Andrews
Now is a time for radical change.
At Uprising Theater, we believe that art is a pillar of revolution. Inherently interactive, it forces society to engage with the perspectives of individual communities. From ten-story murals to fashion, to photography, to dance, art elevates the voice of the people. As a Palestinian American theater company, our mission has always been to amplify the voices of marginalized communities seeking social justice. As our society faces this exciting movement, we feel it imperative to play a role in passing the mic to Black voices.
Meet the Artist
Faeth is a lover of poetry, and Shakespeare, a complete Theatre Nerd. Writing poetry at the age of ten, They moved on to playwriting in High School, and kept the passion burning through College.
With one solo show produced so far and two pieces written with a team of other writers, they are very excited to have this opportunity to continue work on this piece. "Thick As Water" (working title) has been a work in progress for 15 years.
First titled "The Family Play," it has developed into not only a reflection of Faeth's own Family but manages to mirror the relationships of thousands of Americans across the U.S.
Taking place over a single day in a single location. Mama Nita's home is a refuge for the lost Children of Her own lost Children with a hyper-focus on food, Family, and generational differences.
The Art
written by Faeth Andrews
Short time passes. We find Nita in the same spot but dressed in an African print Moo-moo
Trestin enters from the hallway with Mani.
Trestin: I think he’s hungry. Hands Mani to Nita. I gotta go.
Nita: Where are you going?
Trestin: I have that job interview.
Nita: You going to a job interview dressed like that?
Trestin: It’s Taco Bell. They’re just gonna give me a shitty uniform anyway.
Nita: You need to get the job before you worry about your shitty uniform.
Trestin: I’m gonna be late.
Nita: Alright go on. At least take the cap off in the building... And Trestin?
Trestin: What up?
Nita: Be safe.
Trestin: I got you, Mama Ni-Ta.
Exits the house. Nita stands in front of the window just looking at the sky, rocking Mani in her arms Eryn enters alone.
Nita: The storm’s rolling in real fast. It’s gonna be bad.
Eryn: Looks fine to me.
Nita: This is what they call the calm before the shit hits the fan. Baby, can you go grab the kindling from the garage? I want to get a good fire started before it gets here.
Eryn exits through the kitchen. Sharon enters.
Nita: That was fast. How’d it go?
Sharon: The check bounced for my classes. I have to wait for next semester to finish. SnapsGoddamn it I’m going to kill him! I work so hard, so hard for him to give me a bad check? He did this on purpose I know it! If he can prove I’m an unfit mother he can get full custody. I have to fight for every inch and still I’m going to lose.
Nita: It’s not about winning or losing, it's about the fight.
Sharon: What?
Nita: You think you the only person who feels that way? Think you’re the only woman? The only black woman? We’ve been fighting for inches since creation, and we the ones who got this whole shit rolling. They built all this shit on our backs. The Lord designed us to take the pain of this twisted backward ass world. He knows what we can and cannot take, and really, when it comes down to it this ain’t nothin.
Sharon: Mama-
Nita: NO! So your check bounced, and you're gonna have to start school next semester- excuse me, finish school. FINISH!! You’re a step away from success and you walk in here like you already been defeated? It’s about time you take your head out your ass, and take a deep breath of freedom because those before you fought long and hard for you to be standing in my living room whining, about some money that wasn’t yours to begin with.
Sharon: Mama-
Mama: No.
Sharon: M-
Nita: Noooo-wah! Go on get my cow... Go on. she crosses to the couch to sit as Sharon gets the ceramic cow off the television. They trade Mani for cow. She pulls the money out and starts to countIt should be more here.
Sharon: Who's Mama's little Man?
Nita: hands Sharon the money, she tries to protest but Nita shuts her down with a look I hate that name. Mani? Everyone's gonna call him maniac.
Sharon: It's Persian.
Nita: What?
Sharon: It's Persian after a artist- a painter. He founded a religion. He accomplished so much in a short amount of time. My Mani will have great success and extreme good looks. Huh? My Little Man?
Nita: Why Persian?
Sharon: What do you mean?
Nita: You couldn't find a Black Artist to name him after?
Sharon: I like Mani. You want to explain to me what the difference is?
Nita: Lawn ornaments. Like fountains and lions and shit.
Sharon: Thanks for your help today Mama.
Nita: Mm hm. You gonna be around for lunch?
Sharon: What you making?
Nita: Food.
Sharon: Yeah, I'll be here. exits to bedroom with Mani
Nita: Crosses the window looks out clutching the cow. After a while Eryn enters from outside with the Kindling
Eryn: Did you just want me to leave it next to the fireplace?
Nita: Girl you scared the shit out of me, yeah leave it in that little box there.
Eryn: she does, then moves to stand next to Nita at the window, after a moment.Did you want me to start the fire?
Nita: Nah, I got it. Go ahead and pull the beef out the freezer to thaw for dinner.
Eryn: What's for lunch?
Nita: You hungry now?
Eryn: Yeah.
Nita: Poking fun Is sandwiches okay or is that too heavy?
Eryn: What kind- never mind.
Nita: We can do peanut butter and jelly?
Eryn: makes a face
Nita: Tuna?
Eryn: gags a bit
Nita: Really? Wow-mkay. I don't even think you've had any of my tuna but that's aight. Turkey?
Eryn: Just turkey?
Nita: Well, what else you want?
Eryn: Tomatoes or something.
Nita: resisting Yes, of course. I think I have some lettuce in there.
Eryn: Cucumber?
Nita: Cu-okay...
Eryn: Sorry Mama Nita, I'm okay with just turkey.
Nita: Beat I'll tell you what, go on in there and make what you want.
Eryn: moves for the exit
Nita: Oh, make two of whatever you decide on for Sharon.
Eryn: Okay. exits to kitchen
Nita: After a moment at the window she moves to the fireplace, there's a hard knock at the door. Who is it?
Sally: It's Sally, with Child Protective Services!
Nita: visible irritation Just a moment. she moves to place her cow on the television when Sally opens the front door.Excuse you!
Sally: Hello Ma'am, i'm looking for Sharon Curuth-
Nita: Get out.
Sally: Ma'am
Nita: Step out of my home, you do not have consent to be in my home.
Sally: standing tall defiant Is Sharon here?
Nita: Do you have a warrant?
Mani starts to cry from the back room
Sally: CPS doesn't work that way Ma'am, may I ask your name, and relation to Sharon?
Nita: Yes, as soon as you step out my door.
Sally: I have a couple of officers out there; I'm hoping to not have to ask for their help.
Nita: You will need help if you don't get out my house.
Sally: You may not be aware but Sharon was supposed to deliver Mani to His Father Friday morning. After she didn't respond to his calls or messages he was forced to report Mani as kidnapped.
Nita: Well, They aren't here. Have a good day.
Sally: Ma'am, What's your name? silence Right now, Sharon is a wanted criminal, her old landlord said she couldn't pay her rent and you were listed as her emergency contact. If you do not cooperate I will be forced to call the officers in to search your home. They will likely take you into custody, for aiding in a kidnapping and harboring a fugitive.
Nita: Now hold on-
Sally: IF, the officers do find Mani here, anything illegal found on the premises could be considered Sharon's and make her situation worse. Are you here Mother?
Nita: No, I am not. I am her Friend and she's not here. Several others stay here and they all have locks on the doors. Does that officer out there have warrants for every room? Because those locks make every room a private residence and even IF, he had the warrant for the house he would still need separate warrants for each room.
Sally: Taken Back That may be true but if they have reason to believe a kidnapped Child is on the premises that gives them probable cause and they won't need a warrant.
Nita: And why would they think a kidnapped Child was here? I already told you, I don't know where they are.
Sally: Well, I heard him crying as I was coming up, it's why I came in.
Nita: What? Nobody was crying. Look, I'm sorry you can't find Sharon, nut she's not here. I haven't seen her and I'm not sure why you think just because I'm here contacting her for her old place that she would be here. I'm going to ask you one more time then I'm going to ask those Officers to escort you off my property.
Sally: Be my guest.
The Art of Revolution
Spotlight Series
This is only the beginning.
The goal of The Art of Revolution Series is to commission at least ten Black female and non-binary artists to amplify their rich artistic contributions in the medium of their choosing.
Throughout July, we will be introducing you to the selected artists and showcasing their work. We encourage you to like, subscribe, follow and share their work.
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Your support enables us to continue our mission: using art to amplify the voices of marginalized groups. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support our ongoing work. Any amount will make an impact. Donations can be made through our GoFundMe Charity Page or via PayPal. Please note/select #BlackArtMatters.