The Art of Revolution Spotlight: Britttanie Richardson
Now is a time for radical change.
At Uprising Theater, we believe that art is a pillar of revolution. Inherently interactive, it forces society to engage with the perspectives of individual communities. From ten-story murals to fashion, to photography, to dance, art elevates the voice of the people. As a Palestinian American theater company, our mission has always been to amplify the voices of marginalized communities seeking social justice. As our society faces this exciting movement, we feel it imperative to play a role in passing the mic to Black voices.
Meet the Artist
Brittanie Richardson is a Black, queer woman of faith originally from the U.S. but now living in Kenya with her daughters and running her non-profit organization, Art and Abolition. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and as a person who lives with a mental illness, she has become an international advocate fighting against sexual violence and for mental health. She is a University of the Arts Silver Star Award recipient and a Dalai Lama fellow.
Brittanie Richardson is the founder and executive director of Art and Abolition- a non profit which exists to heal, protect and empower young girls who have survived sexual violence in Kenya through art therapy, foster care, economic empowerment, and education.
After years of performing arts training and performing in the USA and South Africa, Brittanie began her work by launching an art therapy program in South Africa which allowed children suffering from trauma to find healing through the arts. After seeing several children complete that program successfully, Brittanie moved to Mtwapa, Kenya and served as the house manager for a rescue and rehabilitation home for child survivors of sex slavery. She also served as coordinator of a campaign in primary schools aimed at preventing child prostitution before it starts by educating children about their value and identity, and empowering them to make good choices concerning their bodies.
Over time Brittanie realized that she is most fulfilled by pursuing art and it’s healing qualities while working to abolish child sex slavery at the same time. She then founded Art and Abolition, which is a marriage of the two. Her heart is to see survivors not only rescued, but also fully healed, and empowered to live wholesome, creative, and colorful lives.
In 2016 she wrote a one woman show called Art and Abolition which tells her own story of being a childhood sexual violence survivor and her journey to healing and then ultimately healing others and founding Art and Abolition. It premiered in the Hollywood Fringe Festival in 2017 and won an Encore Producer’s Award. She also performed it in the Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Festival the following May. She enjoys singing, brunching, reading, traveling, worship, and dancing. When she’s not dreaming of a rape-free world she is probably dreaming of a world where every night is girls night with her best girlfriends having girl talk, drinking wine, and laughing until the sun comes up.
The Art
Behind the Art
Brittanie Richardson is the founder and executive director of Art and Abolition- a non profit which exists to heal, protect and empower young girls who have survived sexual violence in Kenya through art therapy, foster care, economic empowerment, and education.In 2016 she wrote a one woman show called Art and Abolition which tells her own story of being a childhood sexual violence survivor and her journey to healing and then ultimately healing others and founding Art and Abolition. It premiered in the Hollywood Fringe Festival in 2017 and won an Encore Producer’s Award. She also performed it in the Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Festival the following May.
This work is an excerpt from the show.
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The Art of Revolution
Spotlight Series
This is only the beginning.
The goal of The Art of Revolution Series is to commission at least ten Black female and non-binary artists to amplify their rich artistic contributions in the medium of their choosing.
Throughout July, we will be introducing you to the selected artists and showcasing their work. We encourage you to like, subscribe, follow and share their work.
Support Local Voices.
Your support enables us to continue our mission: using art to amplify the voices of marginalized groups. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support our ongoing work. Any amount will make an impact. Donations can be made through our GoFundMe Charity Page or via PayPal. Please note/select #BlackArtMatters.