One Can Save Three: Fall Blood Drive

The need for local blood donations remains high as COVID-19 vaccines become more available and people begin to resume more of their normal activities. We are once again partnering with our friends at Escape Artistry for another chance to give back to our community through a blood drive!

Coordinated through Vitalant (formerly Life Source), this event will be held on Wednesday, September 29th from 2-8 pm at Escape Artistry’s Time Gallery location: 1342 N. Milwaukee Ave, 2nd Floor. Supporting our community is literally our mission and we’re delighted to once again offer this opportunity.

Beige and Red World Blood Donor Day Instagram Post.png

Every donation receives a free COVID antibody test, one ticket to Escape Artistry, and a perk package with goodies from other Wicker Park businesses.

If you’re interested in participating, it’s not too late! Follow the instructions below to register online.  If you need assistance over the phone you can call the Escape Artistry box office at 773-789-9535 and they can register for you.


  1. Visit

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to "Search By Group Code”

  3. Enter Group Code: 006F and click “Search”

  4. Choose “Escape Artistry and Uprising Theater Blood Drive” and click “Select”

  5. Click an available time

  6. Select “New Donor” or “Existing Donor” and continue to enter your name and contact/login information

Registration for this event is required to participatand ensure public safety.

For those of us who are able, this is a wonderful, simple way to support our community. We recognize that, for a variety of medical, social, and cultural reasons, there are many people who are unsure about their ability to give blood. Please feel free to call Vitalant’s help desk at 847-260-2647 with questions regarding your ability.

Nikki Spencer